Work 1560 OSR

The Kewatec Work 1560 OSR is an F-class oil spill response and rescue vessel designed for versatile operations in archipelagos, shallow shores, and open coastal waters, even on ice.

Equipped for firefighting and rescue tasks, it features comprehensive navigation tools, a thermal camera, a gas alarm, a fire pump, and a hydraulic crane. The vessel comprises a quiet, floating wheelhouse with three suspension seats, a pantry, and pressurized isolation. The deck area includes an emergency shower.

Below the deck, there are four sections. A storage room with a watertight bulkhead, a spacious toilet, and a storage area, along with fuel, water, and sewage tanks. A waterproof oil spill recovery compartment is central, and an engine room with main and auxiliary engines, heating equipment, and firefighting systems completes the design.

With maneuvering thrusters on the bow and stern, the Work 1560 OSR is highly agile, seaworthy, and speedy. Its hydraulically opened ramps facilitate loading, and the vessel’s overall design aids efficient operations.


Application Civil Security
Length 15,6 M
Beam 4,6 M
Engine Range 400 – 800 HP
Propulsion Propeller
Fuel 1060 L
Speed Range 20 – 30 KN
Draft 2,3 M
Crew 2
Passengers 6
Class F


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