TUG 950

We offer diverse tugboats tailored to our designs and our customers’ specific requirements and specifications. Even our smaller support or harbor tugs boast substantial bollard pulls for efficient towage operations. Each vessel has customer-specific systems, including quick-release hooks, towing winches, and capstans.

Our smaller tugboats are uniquely designed to serve as on-deck stored workboats on icebreakers and supply vessels. These boats feature engines that can be started while still on deck, allowing for swift deployment by derrick and immediate readiness to assist the mother ship upon sea launch.

+ TUG + Work

Application Infrastructure
Length 9,5 M
Beam 3,3 M
Engine Range 2 x 400 – 550 HP
Propulsion Propeller
Speed Range 10 – 15 KN
Bollard Pull 4,5 T

Boat Catalogue

Our boat catalogue provides essential information about our latest deliveries and solutions in marintime industry. The boats are categorized by market segments: Civil Security, Defence, and Infrastructure and are listed in order of size.

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